Wetlands Habitat
The Land Trust monitors and maintains a 64-acre tract of wetlands known at the Northridge Conservancy Tracts. This property is located at the northern end of Hilton Head Island and protects three natural plant communities found on Sea Islands: an oak and loblolly pine dominated upland, a transitional pine and saw palmetto flatwoods, and a live oak and black gum freshwater wetlands. The property also contains two freshwater ponds.
Due to the delicate nature of this protected area, the Land Trust has chosen to leave this area in an undisturbed state. Hence, no trails have been built through the property. However, the property can be viewed along its borders of William Hilton Parkway and Palmetto Parkway.
The Land Trust strives to ensure the Northridge Tracts remain healthy habitats for our future generations of wildlife and residents. Each strand in the web of flora and fauna we protect through proper management promotes an outcome that will continue to be positive for the future of Hilton Head.
Questions? Contact the Land Trust.